Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Rabbit Hole

A rabbit hole.

With our deplorable birth
We are delivered,
Not into a wonderful world,
But into a treacherous hole.

One that is filled with enticing
Illusions and maudlin affairs,
That are nothing more than mere
Bear traps waiting to pull us further down.

We are not pushed UP to reach
The glorious sky. No.
We are thrust DOWN.
The very beginning
 Of life marks our sequential descent into
 A deceptive and wonderfully vivid rabbit hole.

Alas, if only we knew!

Monday, 11 February 2013

The Sound Of A Silent Night

Moving swiftly
Among the shadows,
I sauntered deeper 
Into the still woods.

The taut, low slung 
Moon, spilled
A silvery hue that
Accentuated the dark
Evergreen form of every tree. 

I proceeded with forgone
Conclusion, hoping that
The indefinite melody of
The night would guide me.

I walked on, leaving behind
Colossal tree after tree, stepping
On wild grass and
Unevenly eroded pebbles.

Lost in anticipation,
I yearned to hear something.
But my hope was for aught.

For all I could hear
Was my own racing heart
And the incessant sound
Of a silent night.


This one was something I wrote for a painting that I did a while back that portrays an elephant blowing out fire from its elevated trunk. I couldn't post the painting because honestly, the idea of it in my head was very well conceptualized and the actual work of art turned out to be not what I had visualized(I hate when that happens). So here is just the caption for the painting, which is actually a poem titled 'Torchbearer':


His grey trunk quivered
As yellow flames winnowed,
Engulfing the seeping
Darkness that ruled.

He stood by and watched
The transcendent facade
With resolute diligence.

For, he was the
Regal ruler of Light.
The torchbearer.
He who exiled all things dark.

Marked by surreality,
The line between
Darkness and light,
Happiness and grief,
Sanity and insanity,
Peace and violence
Life and death,
Isn't so concrete sometimes.